Using some waxprint from my ever-growing stash, I finally made a York Pinafore! This was my first time making this much-loved pattern and my first time using a Helen’s Closet pattern. In addition to the York Pinafore pattern, I also picked up the York Apron Expansion Pack and the Yanta Overalls patterns. The York has been on my radar for a while now – I mean, look at those yummy pockets. This was a breeze to make and the pattern was easy to follow, with plenty of helpful tips along the way. I added a 1.5 FBA but when I make this again, I’ll probably decrease this to one inch. Made as-is, the pinafore hits below my knees, so I shortened the length to hit just above my knees. I love it! Usually, after I take pictures of my makes, I take them off because I’m just chilling at home. This time, I actually wore it for the rest of the day! I walked my furry niece (I was dog sitting), put in a full day of work and cooked dinner all while wearing this make. Pro tip – if you choose a busy print, it’s easier to hide salad dressing stains ?
Speaking of work, the day I finished this York (March 16, 2021) marks one year since the coronavirus forced me to work from home. It’s been so rough for many people, but I gotta say that I LOVE working from home. It’s quieter so there are fewer distractions. My commute is amazing and my personal productivity has increased. Not including gifts, York is the 46th article of clothing I’ve made since I began working from home. That boggles my mind! My workplace hasn’t mentioned a massive return to the office yet (because it’s really too early for that), but I’m going to take advantage as long as I can.