When I first heard of the Blanca Flight Suit from Closet Core Patterns, I immediately started singing the “Blanca Toothpaste” jingle from Living Single in my head. Apparently, the episode aired in December 1997Continue reading
In case you couldn’t tell from my makes, I love dresses. Short dresses, long dresses, formal dresses, casual dresses – you name it, I’ll wear it. Because of this, I’ve noticed a serious lackContinue reading
I have been in such a bright and sunny mood lately! I think it has to do with the weather and the fact that I can finally make plans to visit my friends andContinue reading
Using some waxprint from my ever-growing stash, I finally made a York Pinafore! This was my first time making this much-loved pattern and my first time using a Helen’s Closet pattern. In addition to the YorkContinue reading
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epochContinue reading