
Seamwork Almada

Seamwork Almada


Despite my best efforts to stand strong, I was weak and allowed my resolve to crumble last weekend.  That’s right – I finally turned on my air conditioning.  I try to wait as long as possible to turn on my AC but we had a bit of a heatwave come through and my open windows and ceiling fans were no longer doing the job.  I don’t know how long it will last, but while things are warming up, I need some cool clothes for lounging.  I’ve had my eye on the Almada robe from Seamwork for years now and I finally took the plunge using lemon yellow chiffon I received from Minerva.  This might be the quickest sew I’ve made in a while, and I think it’s the perfect warm weather robe.


For my Almada, I made one big change and one small change.  For my big change, I lengthened the robe by 10 inches.  The original mid-thigh length was cute, but I wanted something grander.  Nothing says “GRAND” like a floor-length chiffon robe.  Just imagine me clutching my robe as I run through a dark castle, guided only by my flickering candelabra.  In your imagination, am I wearing a short robe?  Didn’t think so 😊.  For my small change, I skipped the bias tape binding because I was afraid that would lessen the floaty feel of the robe.  Instead, I used my serger to finish the seams and folded them over twice to enclose them in a narrow hem.  I really like the way it turned out and if I decide to go grander in the future (I’m looking at you, marabou feather trim), I can easily build upon the narrow hem.







I love yellow fabric and this beautiful lemon yellow Cutspot Sheer Chiffon fabric from Minerva is no exception.  Unlike most chiffons I’ve worked with, it didn’t snag or unravel like crazy.  I was even able to skip serging the cut edges of the fabric before laundering and I had no issues.  If I tried that with other chiffon, I’d end up with a ton of loose threads.  I used a new 70/10 needle for this project and this chiffon sewed like a breeze.  The raised dots on the fabric not only add a stunning aesthetic, but also weighs the fabric down slightly while sewing.  Any time I don’t have to chase fabric around my sewing machine or serger is a good time for me.


Overall, this is an ideal afternoon project for anyone looking for a simple but satisfying make.  While it is meant for lounging around the house, with careful fabric choices, I can easily see this robe being worn at the beach or on a casual night out.  I can even see Almada being worn at a fancy event if made with luxurious fabrics.  I can’t believe it took me nearly six years to make a robe that ultimately only took a few hours to complete.  There’s a lesson there somewhere, but I can’t focus on that yet.  I’m distracted – I think it’s finally cool enough to turn off my AC.









By Stitch and Shimmy

*Photo by Carrie at the Dancers Eye -*

American Cabaret Bellydancer.  Cheese Goddess. Crafty Chick. Seamwork Ambassador. Minerva Maker. Feminist Badass.

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